Компютърна академия IT STEP! Учим се от 1999 година. Висококачествено компютърно образование за възрастни и деца. Подготвяме програмисти, дизайнери и системни администратори, които не могат да бъдат заменени от изкуствен интелект. За тази цел, освен задълбочени знания, ние се научаваме да разбираме задачи, да мислим за готови проекти и да работим в екип.

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Mobility in Braga: The Transformation of Technology and Society

Стоян Атанасов


1155 преглеждания

1. The Focus of the Mobility2. Why Braga?3. Conclusion

In March 2024, the beautiful city of Braga, Portugal, will host one of the most exciting youth mobility events of the 21st century – a two-week Vocational Education and Training (VET) Mobility program that promises to be an unforgettable experience for its participants. Running from March 9th to March 23rd, this event will bring together 12 young professionals who will dive into the world of cutting-edge technologies and explore current trends shaping today's society.

The Focus of the Mobility

Over the course of these two intensive weeks, participants will delve deep into the world of emerging technologies. The agenda is designed to cover four key areas that are critical for understanding the future of technology and its impact on our daily lives and society as a whole.

  1. Exploring Innovative Technologies
    Participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the latest technological advancements, including artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). These technologies are rapidly transforming industries and will play a major role in the future of global economies. Understanding AI’s capabilities, from machine learning to automation, and how IoT connects everyday devices, will equip participants with crucial insights into the technological landscape.

  2. Analyzing Digital Transformation
    As businesses and societies become increasingly dependent on technology, the concept of digital transformation has become a driving force behind organizational success. During this mobility, participants will examine how digitalization is reshaping industries, disrupting traditional business models, and redefining the way we work and communicate. Case studies, expert-led workshops, and real-life examples will highlight the potential benefits and challenges of this transformation.

  3. Ethical Issues and Cybersecurity Challenges
    With the growing use of technology comes the need to address its ethical implications and cybersecurity threats. The participants will explore key ethical issues surrounding the use of AI and IoT, including privacy concerns, data security, and the potential biases in automated systems. They will also delve into the growing challenge of online security, focusing on how individuals, businesses, and governments can protect sensitive data from cyber threats.

  4. Developing Sustainable Technology Strategies
    Sustainability in technology has become increasingly important as the world grapples with environmental concerns and the effects of climate change. Throughout the program, participants will brainstorm and develop strategies for using technology responsibly and sustainably, ensuring that innovation serves the public good without compromising the environment. This part of the mobility will emphasize the importance of balancing technological advancement with long-term ecological sustainability.

Why Braga?

Braga, one of the oldest and most vibrant cities in Portugal, offers the perfect setting for such an innovative mobility program. The city combines historical charm with modern technological hubs, making it an inspiring environment for learning and exploration. With its rich cultural heritage, growing tech scene, and strong educational institutions, Braga serves as a fitting backdrop for participants to engage in dynamic discussions about the future of technology and its impact on the world.


This VET Mobility program in Braga will not only provide participants with advanced knowledge of technological trends but will also foster collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. By the end of the two-week program, participants will have gained a deeper understanding of how technology influences modern business and society, along with the skills to navigate the challenges and opportunities that come with digital transformation.

Whether you are passionate about AI, concerned with ethical technology use, or committed to finding sustainable solutions for the future, this mobility event in Braga is an opportunity you won’t want to miss!


Co-financed by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are entirely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the European Union or the European Culture and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the EACEA is responsible for this.




Редакция на Computer Academy Academy

Mobility in Braga: The Transformation of Technology and Society

Mobility in Braga: The Transformation of Technology and Society

In March 2024, the beautiful city of Braga, Portugal, will host one of the most exciting youth mobility events of the 21st century – a two-week Vocational Education and Training (VET) Mobility program that promises to be an unforgettable experience for its participants. Running from March 9th to March 23rd, this event will bring together 12 young professionals who will dive into the world of cutting-edge technologies and explore current trends shaping today's society. The Focus of the Mobility Over the course of these two intensive weeks, participants will delve deep into the world of emerging technologies. The agenda is designed to cover four key areas that are critical for understanding the future of technology and its impact on our daily lives and society as a whole. Exploring Innovative Technologies Participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the latest technological advancements, including artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of

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Чиста енергия: Инсталиране на възобновяеми енергийни станции в Компютърна академия IT Step

ЧИСТАТА ЕНЕРГИЯ: ИНСТАЛИРАНЕ НА ВЪЗОБНОВЯЕМИ ЕНЕРГИЙНИ СТАНЦИИ В КОМПЮТЪРНА АКАДЕМИЯ IT STEP Отговорността на образователните институции към околната среда и устойчивостта

Отговорността на образователните институции към околната среда и устойчивостта В последните десетилетия климатичните промени и неустойчивостта на околната среда са поставили пред човечеството задачата да търси и прилага алтернативни източници на енергия. В този контекст, инсталирането на възобновяеми енергийни станции, като слънчеви панели и вятърни турбини, става неотложна необходимост. Компютърна академия IT Step съзнателно въвежда тези технологии, като се стреми към постигане на екологично устойчиво образование и дейност. Цел на �

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Кои са най-поплярните софтуери и професии в сферата на 3D моделирането и визуализацията?

В съвремения свят на дизайна и архитектурата, 3D моделирането и визуализацията се превръщат в ключови инструменти за създаване на впечатляващи визуални проекти. Обучението по 3D моделиране и визуализация отваря врати към безброй възможности за творческо изразяване и професионална реализация.

В съвремения свят на дизайна и архитектурата, 3D моделирането и визуализацията се превръщат в ключови инструменти за създаване на впечатляващи визуални проекти. Обучението по 3D моделиране и визуализация отваря врати към безброй възможности за творческо изразяване и професионална реализация. В тази статия ще разгледаме най-търсените технологии и софтуери в областта, както и какви възможности за професионална реализация биха могли да имат завършилите обучение по 3D моделиране и визуализаци. Сред най-търсените технологии и софтуери в мом�

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Учене чрез игра с помощта на Minecraft

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Повечето деца обичат да прекарват време на компютъра, но какво точно правят на него? Най-честият отговор е: играят компютърни игри и общуват с приятели. Една от игрите, които най-вероятно сте виждали детето ви да играе е Minecraft. Тя му дава възможност да общува с връстниците си и да пресъздава свят от въображението си. Това звучи като добър начин за прекарване на свободното време, но според повечето хора не помага с разбирането на уроците в училище или избора на бъдеща кариера. Ние обаче вярваме, че Minecraft може да бъде използван за много различни н

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Приемът за курсът Minecraft програмиране вече стартира! Местата са ограничени.

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